Results of searching entries for keyword: analysis
A socio-demographic portrait of Central and Eastern European (CEE) journalists: A comparative analysis of the journalistic profession in eight CEE countries using the Worlds of Journalism Study
Natalia Vasilendiuc
(University of Buckarest, Romania)Polish discourses concerning the Spanish Civil War. Analysis of the Polish press 1936–2015
Wojciech Opioła
(University of Opole, Poland)
“Original democracy”: A rhetorical analysis of Romanian post-revolutionary political discourse and the University Square protests of June 1990
Ioana Literat
(University of Southern California, USA)Volume 13 No 2 (26) Special Issue 2020
Information literacy on the political agenda: An analysis of Estonian national strategic documents
Kertti Merimaa
UNIVERSITY OF TARTUAgenda setting priming framing – TV news in Poland during election campaigns 2005 and 2007. Comparative analysis
Ewa Nowak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland),
Rafał Riedel (University of Oslo, Norway)Election coverage in Poland 2005: A content analysis of the main TV news programs
Bartłomiej Łódzki
(University of Lower Silesia, Poland)Disaffected citizens in Croatia: Analysis of socio-demographic and media use influences on political participation
Dina Vozab
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)Constructing identity on social networks. An analysis of competences of communication constituted on
David Dobrowsky
(University of Vienna, Austria)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
‘Model Putin Forever’: A Critical Discourse Analysis on Vladimir Putin’s Portrayal in Czech Online News Media
Zina Stovickova
Metropolitan University Prague, Czech RepublicVolume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Crowdsourcing the mainstream. An analysis of the most frequently posted links on Facebook
Wojciech Walczak
(Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Exploring Citizens’ Perceptions-based Intangible Resources in the Public Sector: An Analysis of the Relation Between Wealth and Engagement and Trust in 17 Countries
Paloma Piqueiras
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain María José Canel
Complutense University of Madrid, SpainVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Politicizing Poland’s Public Service Media: The Analysis of Wiadomości News Program
Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab
University of Warsaw, Poland Łukasz Szurmiński
University of Warsaw, Poland
Social Media News: A Comparative Analysis of the Journalistic Uses of Twitter
Rosella Rega
University of Siena, ItalyVolume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
Migration Coverage in Europe Russia and the United States. A comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 countries (2015-2018)
Marcus Kreutler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University
Susanne Fengler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Nastaran Asadi
Complutense University of Madrid Svetlana Bodrunova
St. Petersburg State University Halyna Budivska
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Layire Diop
Francis Marion University, South Carolina Georgia Ertz
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano Daria Gigola
University of Wrocław Eszter Katus
Mérték Media Monitor, Budapest Denisa Kovacs
University of Bucharest Michał Kuś
University of Wrocław Filip Láb
Charles University Prague Anna Litvinenko
Freie Universität Berlin Johanna Mack
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Scott Maier
UO School of Journalism and Communication, Eugene Ana Pinto Martinho
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon Antonia Matei
University of Bucharest Kaitlin C. Miller
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA Lisa Oppermann
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Eva Pérez Vara
Complutense University of Madrid Gábor Polyák
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Rajeev Ravisankar
UO School of Journalism and Communication, Eugene Carlos Rodríguez Pérez
Universidad de La Sabana Dimitrina J. Semova
Complutense University of Madrid Dimitris Skleparis
Newcastle University Sergio Splendore
Università degli Studi di Milano Sandra Štefaniková
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague Adam Szynol
University of Wrocław Décio Telo
ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon Rrapo Zguri
University of TiranaVolume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
METHODS & CONCEPTS: Communicative Analysis of Dialogical Interaction. Methodology of Research
Oleksii Borysov
T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihivskyi Kolehium”
Olena Vasylieva
T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihivskyi Kolehium”Fighting COVID-19 with Data: An Analysis of Data Journalism Projects Submitted to Sigma Awards 2021
Liis Auväärt
University of Tartu, EstoniaWomen’s Lifestyle Magazine Instagram Profiles. A Comparative Analysis of Polish French and British Publications
Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland Weronika Sałek
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland Natalia Walkowiak
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, PolandVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
The Future of Gender and Gender Equality Online: A Scenario Analysis of Imaginaries on Gender and Social Media Platforms
Babette Lagrange
CIMS – Ghent University, Belgium Sofie Van Bauwel
CIMS – Ghent University, Belgium Daniel Biltereyst
CIMS – Ghent University, Belgium Sara Cannizzaro
IULM University, Italy Justine Toms
New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria Yasemin Ağca
Bilkent University, Türkiye Ingrid Andersson
International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development, Sweden Emma Bjorner
International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development, Sweden Achilleas Karadimitriou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Klára Odstrčilová
Charles University, Czech Republic Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Elisabetta Risi
IULM University, Italy Valentina Latronico
Università della Svizzera Italiana, ItalyVolume 12 No 1 (22) Spring 2019
Campaigning on Facebook: Posts and online social networking as campaign tools in the 2017 general elections in the Republic of Kosovo
Dren Gërguri
Examining the populist communication logic: Strategic use of social media in populist political parties in Norway and Sweden
Bente Kalsnes
OSLO METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, NORWAYIn the spiral of mistrust: On the decline of public trust in Czech journalists
Jaromír Volek,
Marína Urbániková
(Masaryk University, Czech Republic)Volume 11 No 1 (20) Spring 2018
Constructing Political Leadership during the 2015 European migration crisis: The Hungarian case
Balázs Kiss,
Gabriella Szabó
Hungarian Academy of Science, HungaryMediatized participation in European media systems
Dina Vozab,
Zrinjka Peruško
UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, CROATIAPolitical discourse on Polish commercial television. Case of “Fakty” TVN
Dorota Piontek
(University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Poland)The tabloidization of political discourse: The Polish case
Dorota Piontek
(Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Famous women yearn for Putin and other unlikely tales: Glamorizing right-wing populist actors in the Bulgarian editions of Cosmopolitan and Elle
Miglena Sternadori
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, USAVolume 11 No 1 (20) Spring 2018
Surpassing the era of disengaged acceptance: The future of public discourse on nuclear energy
Gabor Sarlos
Rmit University, Vietnam
Mariann Fekete
University of Szeged, HungaryAn integrated model for public service media governance based on participatory governance and actor-centered institutionalism: Initial application to the independence of the Polish public broadcaster TVP S.A.*
Magdalena Ploch
(WWU University of Munster, Germany)Local media and the “political brand”: Candidates attributes portrayed on local media and their consequences on public perceptions
Rocío Zamora
(Catholic University of Murcia, Spain)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
A different kind of massive attack: How the Bulgarian Ultranationalist Party Ataka engineered its political success using electronic media
Elza Ibroscheva
(Southern Illinois University, USA)The news ombudsman: Lightning rod or watchdog?
Huub Evers
(Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)Polish and Swedish journalist-politician Twitter networks: Who are the gatekeepers?
Elena Johansson
UNIVERSITY OF WROCŁ AW, POLANDPolitical communication in the EU: Civic potential of new media (case study: Poland)
Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska
(Jagiellonian University, Poland)Blessing or curse of the digital world – perceptions of online anonymity in Polish daily newspapers
Kornelia Trytko
(Notthingam Trent University, United Kingdom)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
The natural framing of military conflict news. The 2008 war in Georgia in Resonance Izvestia and The New York Times
Ekaterina Basilaia (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia),
Robert McKeever (University of South Carolina, U.S.A.),
Donald Shaw (University of North Carolina, U.S.A.)Users' perception of media accountability
Harmen Groenhart
(Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
Internet media as the digital public sphere: Possibilities and problems
Jakub Parnes
(University of Economics in Katowice, Poland)Great expectations: On experiences with media reform in post-socialist Europe (and some unexpected outcomes)
Zrinjka Peruško
(University of Zagreb)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
Who defines the narrative of a crisis? The case of an Estonian online boycott campaign against an international supermarket chain
Päivi Tampere, Kaja Tampere, Scott Abel
(Tallin University, Estonia)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Al Jazeera in the Central European media: 9/11 and the “Arab Spring” compared
Jaromir Hanzal (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic),
Ákos Balogh (Hungary),
Michalina Guzikowska (University of Warsaw, Poland),
Gabriela Mezeiova (Media Academy, Slovakia)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
The unlikely advocates of media literacy education: Jean-Jacques Rosseau and John Stuart Mill
Anamaria Neag
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary)Volume 10 No 1 (18) Spring 2017
The utilization of journalistic sources in the national press: Communicating the transition from economic crisis to sustainable growth
Theodora Maniou,
Irene Photiou,
Nikleia Eteokleous,
Ioannis Seitanidis
(Frederick University of Cyprus & Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus)Volume 10 No 1 (18) Spring 2017
Distributed gatekeeping. Uncovering the patterns of linking behaviors on Facebook
Wojciech Walczak,
Michał Meina,
Krzysztof Olechnicki
(Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)News coverage of the first Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union (2011): Findings from an international comparative study
Romy Wohlert (Alpen-Andria-University Klagenfurt & Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria),
Stijn Joye (Ghent University, Belgium),
Agnieszka Stępińska (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland),
Daniel Biltereyst (Ghent University, Belgium),
Khael Velders (Ghent University, Belgium)Radio ombudsman services of Brazilian Public Radio (EBC) as media accountability instruments
Laurindo Leal Filho,
Fernando Oliveira Paulino,
Luiz Martins da Silva
(University of Brasilia, Brazil)Data literacy among journalists: A skills-assessment based approach
Ragne Kõuts-Klemm
UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, ESTONIAVolume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Regional — national — supranational. How the German press covers election campaigns on different levels of the political system
Jürgen Wilke and Melanie Leidecker
(Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)Volume 10 No 1 (18) Spring 2017
The elusive cyber beasts: How to identify the communication of pro-Russian hybrid trolls in Latvia’s internet news sites?
Anda Rožukalne,
Klāvs Sedlenieks
(Riga Stradins University, Latvia)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Ability to spot and resist manipulated media news about international affairs: Does political knowledge provide it?
Vasyl V. Kucherenko (European University Institute in Florence, Italy),
Cindy T. Christen (Colorado State University, USA)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
Facebook as an alternative public space: The use of Facebook by Ukrainian journalists during the 2012 parlimentary election
Dariya Orlova and Daria Taradai
(National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine)Framing of European integration in Ukrainian media discourse
Oleksii Polegkyi
(Antwerp University, Belgium)Constitutional debate in the Czech Republic
Vlastimil Nečas
(Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)Comparing Nordic media systems: North between West and East?
Lars Nord
(Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall, Sweden)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
Media and the sacralization of history
Krzysztof Wasilewski
(Regional and Municipal Public Library in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland)Hungarian party websites and parliamentary elections
Norbert Merkovity
(University of Szeged, Hungary)The role and functions of government public relations. Lessons from public perceptions of government
María José Canel Crespo and Nazareth Echart
(Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)Volume 13 No 2 (26) Special Issue 2020
Media literacy as a cross-sectoral phenomenon: Media education in Finnish ministerial-level policies
Lauri Palsa
NATIONAL AUDIOVISUAL INSTITUTE, FINLANDThe role of PR in healthcare and social insurance reform in Poland and the United States
Michael Szporer (University of Maryland, USA),
Jacek Barlik (Woodstock Leasor Warszawa, Poland)Media pluralism policy in a post-socialist Mediterranean media system: The case of Croatia
Zrinjka Peruško
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)The European Parliament election of 2009 in Poland: The agenda-setting in the Polish Internet news portals
Wojciech Walczak
(Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland)Nina on the Net. A study of a politician campaigning on social networking sites
Jakob Svensson
(Karlstad University, Sweden)Multimedia development of PSBs: A challenge for the Nordic Media Systems
Johann Roppen (Volda University College, Norway),
Anker Brink Lund (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark),
Lars Nord (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)Mission (im)possible. The case of Lithuanian Public Service Broadcasting
Žygintas Pečiulis
(Vilnius University, Lithuania)Audiovisual political advertising in communication strategies of Polish political parties: The case of the parliamentary campaign in 2011
Małgorzata Adamik-Szysiak
(Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland)Models of political consulting in Poland 1989–2009 in a comparative perspective
Bartłomiej Biskup
(University of Warsaw, Poland)The agenda-setting process in international news
Wayne Wanta (Oklahoma State University, USA),
Simona Mikusova (Comenius University in Bratlislava, Slovakia)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Texts soaked with culture: The impact of cultural differences on the thematic structure of British and Polish national dailies
Anna Zięba
(Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)Challenges and prospects of delivering a diversity of public service content online: A case study of Channel 4 News Online
Olatunji Ogunyemi
(University of Lincoln, United Kingdom)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Zelensky’s Image in the Russian and Ukrainian News: Presidential Campaign 2019 in Ukraine
Katrin Dkhair
Higher School of Economics, National Research University in Saint Petersburg, Russia Polina Klochko
Higher School of Economics, National Research University in Saint Petersburg, RussiaTransformations in Second-Order Campaigning: A German-Finnish Comparison of Campaign Professionalism in the 2004 and 2009 European Parliamentary Elections
Jens Tenscher (Austrian Academy of Sciences/Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt, Austria),
Juri Mykkänen (University of Helsinki, Finland)The development of online political communication in Poland in European Parlimentary elections 2014: Technological innovation versus old habits
Michał Jacuńsk and Paweł Baranowski
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)Journalists and politicians in television interviews after elections: A redefinition of roles?
Dorota Piontek and Bartosz Hordecki
(University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Poland)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Pro-active media accountability? — an Austrian perspective
Klaus Bichler (Medienhaus Wien, Austria),
Matthias Karmasin (University of Klagenfurt, Austria),
Daniela Kraus (FJUM Forum for Journalism and Media, Austria)Red danger before elections: Trick or threat?
Jan Křeček and Lenka Vochocová
(Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)Assessing potentials of journalists’ blogs as an instrument of media accountability in Estonia
Halliki Harro-Loit,
Juhan Lang,
Marju Himma-Kadakas
(University of Tartu, Estonia)Public relations in society. A new approach to the difficult relationships between PR and its environment
Olaf Hoffjann
(Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Salzgitter, Germany)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Media populism in Macedonia: Right-wing populist style in the coverage of the “migrant crisis”
Ivo Bosilkov
UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM , NETHERLANDSMedia pluralism by default: The case of Moldova
John H. Parmelee
(University of North Florida, USA)Use of sources in newspaper coverage of the 2009 Bulgarian parliamentary election
Daniela V. Dimitrova (Iowa State University, USA),
Petia Kostadinova (University of Illinois Chicago, USA)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
“Protect our homeland!” Populist communication in the 2018 Hungarian election campaign on Facebook
Tamás Tóth
CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST, HUNGARYEU regulatory framework and the political economy of terrestrial digitalisation in Slovakia
Branislav Ondrášik
(Bratislava School of Law, Slovakia)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Risk perception and political alienism: Political discourse on the future of nuclear energy in Hungary
Gábor Sarlós
(ELTE Budapest, Hungary)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Nonverbal components of the populist style of political communication: A study on televised presidential debates in Poland
Dorota Piontek
ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POZNAŃ , POLANDVolume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Hyperlink networks as a means of mobilization used by far-right movements
Ina Fujdiak
Press coverage of the German reunification issue in a long-term perspective 1990–2014
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
UNIVERSITY OF KOBLENZ-LANDAU, GERMANYOn the philosophical status of the transmission metaphor
Emanuel Kulczycki
(Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)Functional theory of political discourse. Televised debates during the parliamentary campaign in 2007 in Poland
Patrycja Dudek (University of Wrocław, Poland),
Sławomir Partacz (Poland)Bulgarian media policy and law: How much Europeanization
Nelly Ognyanova
(Sofia University, Bulgaria)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Other-projected environmental image: A conceptual framework
Li Ji
(Macquarie University, Australia)Costs of political campaigns in Slovakia
Vladimír Pčolinský
(University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovaka)What is media assistance and (why) does it matter? The Case of Polish Foreign Aid to the Media in Belarus and Ukraine
Aleksandra Galus
ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POZNAŃ, POLANDThe worlds of “the others”? Czech television’s agenda of world news coverage
Tomáš Trampota and Kateřina Kučerová
(Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)Nuclear media discourses after the closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant: Is the game over?
Natalija Mažeikienė
VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY, LITHUANIATraditional and Online Media: Relationship between Media Preference Credibility Perceptions Predispositions and European Identity
Waqas Ejaz
The Image of Germany in Social Media: Political and Social Aspects of Public Service Media in Poland
Agnieszka Węglińska
UNIVERSITY OF LOWER SILESIA , POLANDTail or no Tail? Applicability of the Long Tail Theory to the German Online Media Market
Céline Fabienne Kampes
UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCENCES DÜSSELDORF, GERMANYAdolescents on YouTube: gender differences regarding the videos they upload and watch
Rebeca Suárez-Álvarez
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Antonio García-Jiménez
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Manuel Montes-Vozmediano
Rey Juan Carlos University, SpainVolume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
Narrating “Their War” and “Our War”. The Patriotic Journalism Paradigm in the Context of Swedish and Ukrainian Conflict Coverage
Nina Springer
University of Münster Gunnar Nygren
Södertörn University, Stockholm Andreas Widholm
Stockholm University Dariya Orlova
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Daria Taradai
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla AcademyVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
"Not a Political Virus": Manufacturing Consent by Czech Public Service Media in the Pandemic
Jan Motal
Masaryk University, Czech RepublicJournalists under Attack: Self-censorship as an Unperceived Method for Avoiding Hostility
Marju Himma-Kadakas
University of Tartu, Estonia Signe Ivask
Masaryk University, Czech RepublicWar or Peace Journalism? Study of Media Coverage by Russian Media Outlets of the Trade War Between China and the USA
Viktor Tuzov
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SARVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Facebook Groups in Sweden Constructing Sustainability: Resisting Hegemonic Anthropocentrism
Vaia Doudaki
Charles University, Czech Republic Nico Carpentier
Charles University, Czech RepublicVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Climate Change in Chinese Newspapers 2000–2020: Discursive Strategies of Consolidating Hegemony
Mengrong Zhang
University of CologneVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Homeless People as Agents of Self-representation: Exploring the Potential of Enhanced Participation in a Community Newspaper Project
Vojtěch Dvořák
Masaryk UniversityThe Populist Dimension of Mediated Discourses About Corruption in Romania
Delia Cristina Balaban
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Hanna Orsolya Vincze
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Mihnea S. Stoica
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Iulia Medveschi
Babes-Bolyai University, RomaniaVolume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
Digital Reputation Management in American Cancer Hospitals. A Proposed Model
Pablo Medina Aguerrebere
Canadian University Dubai Eva Medina
University of Alicante Toni Gonzalez Pacanowski
University of AlicanteVolume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
"Untouched by your Do-gooder Propaganda". How Online User Comments Challenge the Journalistic Framing of the Immigration Crisis
Jana Rosenfeldová
Charles University in Prague Lenka Vochocová
Charles University in PragueThe Right-Wing Perspective: Populist Frames and Agenda on Facebook in Central and Eastern Europe
Rémi Almodt
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaGovernment of Georgia’s Public Rhetoric. Minuscule Model of Russian Propaganda
Davit Kutidze
Gnomon Wise Research Institute at the University of GeorgiaVolume 16 No 1 (33) Spring 2023
Limitations of Fact-Checking on Debunking COVID-19 Misinformation on Facebook: the Case of
Mato Brautovic
University of Dubrovnik, Croatia Romana John
University of Dubrovnik, CroatiaVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
Bulgarian Media Since 1989: From Instrumentalization to Capture
Ivo Indzhov
Freelance Researcher, BulgariaVolume 16 No 1 (33) Spring 2023
Participative Art Marketing Communication and Creativity of User-generated Content
Katarína Fichnová
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia Lucia Spálová
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, SlovakiaMapping the COVID-19 Anti‑Vaccination Communities on Facebook in Czechia
Jaroslava Kaňková
University of Vienna Hajo G. Boomgaarden
University of ViennaInfodemic – “Epidemic of Rumours”. The Characteristic Features of the Phenomenon on the Example of the Infodemic Accompanying COVID-19 in 2020
Anna Miotk
University of WarsawVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Transforming Toxic Debates towards European Futures: Technological Disruption Societal Fragmentation and Enlightenment 2.0
Mehmet Ali Üzelgün
University Institute of Lisbon and Nova University Lisbon, Portugal Iliana Giannouli
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Ioanna Archontaki
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Klára Odstrčilová
Charles University, Czech Republic Barbara Thomass
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany Cláudia Álvares
University Institute of Lisbon, PortugalVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication Technologies: A Map of Four Anxiety and Two Hope Driven Scenarios
Nico Carpentier
Charles University, Czech Republic & Tallinn University, Estonia Andrea Miconi
IULM University, Italy
Volume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
Media Capture and Perspectives for Media Development in a Fragile Media System: Debating Journalistic Roles in Guinea‑Bissau
Johanna Mack
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, GermanyVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Futures of algorithms and choices: Structuration of algorithmic imaginaries and digital platforms in Europe
Miloš Hroch
Charles University, Czech Republic Panos Kompatsiaris
IULM University, Italy Volker Grassmuck
Leibniz Institute for Media Research Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI), Germany José Moreno
MediaLab CIES – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal Lutz Peschke
Bilkent University, Türkiye Jan Jirák
Charles University, Czech Republic Debashmita Poddar
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, ItalyVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
Patronage Media in Post-Communist Mongolia
Undrah Baasanjav
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA Poul Eric Nielsen
University of Aarhus, Denmark Munkhmandakh Myagmar
Press Institute of Mongolia, MongoliaVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Techno-pessimistic and techno-optimistic visions of surveillance and resistance in Europe
Vaia Doudaki
Charles University, Prague Panos Kompatsiaris
IULM University, Italy Jim Ingebretsen Carlson
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain Judith Clares-Gavilán
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain Dessislava Boshnakova
New Bulgarian University, BulgariaVolume 17 No 3 (37) Spring 2024
Broadcasting a Nuclear Accident: Chernobyl on the Hungarian Radio
Dalma Boldog
Department of Communication, Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences, Budapest, Hungary