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Central European Journal of Communication

Central European Journal of Communication

Scientific Journal of the Polish Communication Association

You are here: Home > Browse Journal > Volume 14 No 2 (29) Fall 2021 > Adolescents on YouTube: gender differences regarding the videos they upload and watch

Adolescents on YouTube: gender differences regarding the videos they upload and watch

Rebeca Suárez-Álvarez
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain

Antonio García-Jiménez
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain

Manuel Montes-Vozmediano
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain

ABSTRACT: This study examines whether gender is a key factor when producing and uploading audio-visual content to this social network. The research has been carried out using content analysis methodology applied to a sample of 300 videos uploaded to YouTube by adolescents aged 11-17 years, which were collected and analysed during the state of emergency in Spain (13 March – 21 June of 2020) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Contents uploaded by these YouTubers are amusing, and their topics differ significantly depending on the author’s gender. Boys focus mainly on playing games, while the range of topics among girls is more diverse. There are no significant differences in the way both genders approach the topic of COVID-19. Channels oriented toward girls are protected from comments their followers might make about them, whereas boys are more exposed to members of the public who view their audio-visual productions.

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DOI: 10.51480/1899-5101.14.2(29).7

KEYWORDS: YouTube, teenagers, gender, visual consumption, audiences