Results of searching entries for keyword: state media
Editors’ introduction: Public Service Media in Central and Northern Europe. Does the State still matter?
Lars Nord (Mid Sweden University, Sweden),
Michał Głowacki (University of Wrocław, Poland)Volume 13 No 1 (25) Spring 2020
BOOK REVIEW: Damian Guzek (2019). Mediatizing Secular State: Media Religion and Politics in Contemporary Poland. Berlin: Peter Lang pp. 333 ISBN: 978-3-631-77535-6.
DOI: 10.19195/1899-5101.13.1 (25).11 Rafał Leśniczak
CARDINAL STEFAN WYSZYŃSKI UNIVERSITY IN WARSAWPropaganda against the West in the Heart of Europe. A masked official state campaign in Hungary
Márton Demeter
KAROLI GASPAR UNIVERSITY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH, HUNGARYFormation of Estonian broadcasting landscape 1994–2007: Experience of the transition state. Impact of the EU legislation on the Estonian television broadcasting since mid 1990s.
Andres Jõesaar
(Tartu University, Estonia)Russian TV market: Between state supervision commercial logic and simulacrum of public service
Ilya Kiriya (State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia),
Elena Degtereva (Moscow State University, Russia)The influence of the Council of Europe and other European institutions on the media law system in post-Soviet states
Andrei Richter
(Moscow State University, Russia)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
BOOK REVIEW: Elena Vartanova (2013). Постсоветские трансформации российских СМИ и журналистики [Post-Soviet Transformations of Russian Media and Journal- ism]...
Svetlana Bodrunova
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)Comparing media systems in new democracies: East meets South meets West
Katrin Voltmer
(University of Leeds, Great Britain)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
INTERVIEW: Media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe
Interview with Professor Andrei Richter — Director of the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media on the state of media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe
Public service market? Commercial activities of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)
Johann Roppen
(Volda University College, Norway)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Variations in media freedom: Why do some governments in Central and Eastern Europe respect media freedom more than other ones?
Péter Bajomi-Lázár
(Budapest Business School, Hungary)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
The natural framing of military conflict news. The 2008 war in Georgia in Resonance Izvestia and The New York Times
Ekaterina Basilaia (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia),
Robert McKeever (University of South Carolina, U.S.A.),
Donald Shaw (University of North Carolina, U.S.A.)INTERVIEW: Media accountability and transparency
Prof. Dr. Stephan Russ-Mohl was interviewed by Michał Głowacki in February 2012.
Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Media ethics in the development of journalism in Nigeria
Nkechi M. Christopher (University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
Okereke Onwuka (Abia State University, Nigeria)Reduction of liberalism in Lithuanian media policy
Deimantas Jastramskis
(Vilnius University, Lithuania)“I went to resist. I’ll be back”: Otekilerin Postasi as an example of citizen journalism in Turkey
Dilek Özhan Koçak
(Giresum University, Turkey)Volume 12 No 1 (22) Spring 2019
What does the murder of a journalist and follow-up events tell us about freedom of the press and politics in a European country?
Andrej Školkay
SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA , SLOVAKIAGlobal de-Westernization trend in media studies and Russian journalism theory
Sergey G. Korkonosenko
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Ability to spot and resist manipulated media news about international affairs: Does political knowledge provide it?
Vasyl V. Kucherenko (European University Institute in Florence, Italy),
Cindy T. Christen (Colorado State University, USA)Remixing international news reporting: Towards a renewed confederacy of correspondences
Paulo Nuno Vicente
(UT Austin-Portugal Digital Media Programme)Mission (im)possible. The case of Lithuanian Public Service Broadcasting
Žygintas Pečiulis
(Vilnius University, Lithuania)Seeking the H Zone: How we mix media messages to create compatible community in the emerging papyrus society
Donald Shaw (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA),
Sherine El-Toukhy (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA),
Tom Terry (Idaho State University, USA)Russian journalists and social media: updated transitions and new challenges
Elena Johansson and Gunnar Nygren
(Södertörn University, Sweden)Old and new constraints in foreign news coverage in post-communist Ukraine
Natalya Ryabinska
(Ukrainian Catholic Universiyty in Lviv, Ukraine)Past present and future of Public Service Broadcasting in Germany
Olexiy Khabyuk
(University of Cologne, Germany)The role of European political parties in closing the communication gap within the European Union. A critical view
Michał Jacuński
(University of Wrocław, Poland)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Pro-active media accountability? — an Austrian perspective
Klaus Bichler (Medienhaus Wien, Austria),
Matthias Karmasin (University of Klagenfurt, Austria),
Daniela Kraus (FJUM Forum for Journalism and Media, Austria)Advertising in communication of the Catholic Church. The case of Poland
Krzysztof Stępniak
CARDINAL STEFAN WYSZYŃSKI UNIVERSITY IN WARSAW, POLANDThe country of origin principle and competition among national regulatory régimes in East Central Europe
Gábor Polyák and Gergely László Szőke
(University of Pécs, Hungary)Media pluralism by default: The case of Moldova
John H. Parmelee
(University of North Florida, USA)EU regulatory framework and the political economy of terrestrial digitalisation in Slovakia
Branislav Ondrášik
(Bratislava School of Law, Slovakia)Digital switchover in Hungary. European policies and national circumstances
Márk Lengyel
(Council of Europe)The scope and limit for the development of corporate social responsibility in the Baltic States as a strategy of corporate communication
Kaja Tampere
(Tallinn University, Estonia)Volume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
Migration Coverage in Europe Russia and the United States. A comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 countries (2015-2018)
Marcus Kreutler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University
Susanne Fengler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Nastaran Asadi
Complutense University of Madrid Svetlana Bodrunova
St. Petersburg State University Halyna Budivska
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Layire Diop
Francis Marion University, South Carolina Georgia Ertz
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano Daria Gigola
University of Wrocław Eszter Katus
Mérték Media Monitor, Budapest Denisa Kovacs
University of Bucharest Michał Kuś
University of Wrocław Filip Láb
Charles University Prague Anna Litvinenko
Freie Universität Berlin Johanna Mack
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Scott Maier
UO School of Journalism and Communication, Eugene Ana Pinto Martinho
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon Antonia Matei
University of Bucharest Kaitlin C. Miller
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA Lisa Oppermann
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Eva Pérez Vara
Complutense University of Madrid Gábor Polyák
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Rajeev Ravisankar
UO School of Journalism and Communication, Eugene Carlos Rodríguez Pérez
Universidad de La Sabana Dimitrina J. Semova
Complutense University of Madrid Dimitris Skleparis
Newcastle University Sergio Splendore
Università degli Studi di Milano Sandra Štefaniková
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague Adam Szynol
University of Wrocław Décio Telo
ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon Rrapo Zguri
University of TiranaVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
Bulgarian Media Since 1989: From Instrumentalization to Capture
Ivo Indzhov
Freelance Researcher, BulgariaVolume 16 No 1 (33) Spring 2023
Estonia’s Russian-speaking Audience’s Media Attitudes Preferences and Susceptibility to the Spread of Fake News and Information Disorder in Media Outlets
Mihhail Kremez
University of Tartu, EstoniaVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
The Capture Effect: How Media Capture Affects Journalists Markets and Audiences
Marius Dragomir
Central European University in Vienna, Austria and University of Santiago de Compostela, SpainVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
INTERVIEW: Media Capture in the Post-Truth Era: media freedom is a function of the quality of democracy. Interview with Professor Alina Mungui-Pippidi
Bissera Zankova
Media 21 Foundation, Bulgaria Alina Mungui-Pippidi
European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building (ERCAS); LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, ItalyEditor’s introduction: Development of agenda-setting theory and research. Between West and East
Wayne Wanta (Oklahoma State University, USA),
Bartłomiej Łódzki (University of Lower Silesia, Poland)Volume 10 No 1 (18) Spring 2017
The elusive cyber beasts: How to identify the communication of pro-Russian hybrid trolls in Latvia’s internet news sites?
Anda Rožukalne,
Klāvs Sedlenieks
(Riga Stradins University, Latvia)The agenda-setting process in international news
Wayne Wanta (Oklahoma State University, USA),
Simona Mikusova (Comenius University in Bratlislava, Slovakia)Volume 13 No 1 (25) Spring 2020
METHOD & CONCEPTS: Democracy and Digital Dissonance: The Co-Occurrence of the Transformation of Political Culture and Communication Infrastructure
Barbara Pfetsch
BOOK REVIEW: Sergey Korkonosenko (ed.). (2014). Теории журналистики в России: зарожде- ние и развитие [Journalism Theories in Russia: Genesis and Development]...
Marina Berezhnaia
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
Use of sources in newspaper coverage of the 2009 Bulgarian parliamentary election
Daniela V. Dimitrova (Iowa State University, USA),
Petia Kostadinova (University of Illinois Chicago, USA)Costs of political campaigns in Slovakia
Vladimír Pčolinský
(University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovaka)Adolescents on YouTube: gender differences regarding the videos they upload and watch
Rebeca Suárez-Álvarez
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Antonio García-Jiménez
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Manuel Montes-Vozmediano
Rey Juan Carlos University, SpainExploring Visual Culture of COVID-19 Memes: Russian and Chinese Perspectives
Olga V. Smirnova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Anna A. Gladkova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Alexandre P. Lobodanov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Olga V. Sapunova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Galina V. Denissova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Anastasia L. Svitich
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia