Results of searching entries for keyword: technology
Volume 11 No 1 (20) Spring 2018
Through the Eyes of Early Childhood Students: Television Tablet Computers Internet and Smartphones
Halit Buluthan Çetintaş,
Zeynep Turan
Ataturk University in Erzurum, TurkeyFrom media self-regulation to 'crowd-criticism': Media accountability in the digital age
Susanne Fengler
(Dortmund University of Technology, Germany)A walk in the public relations field: Theoretical discussions from a social media and network society perspective
Kaja Tampere
(Tallinn University, Estonia)Volume 11 No 1 (20) Spring 2018
Surpassing the era of disengaged acceptance: The future of public discourse on nuclear energy
Gabor Sarlos
Rmit University, Vietnam
Mariann Fekete
University of Szeged, HungaryPublic relations and trust in contemporary global society: A Luhmannian perspective of the role of public relations in enhancing trust among social systems
Chiara Valentini (Aarhus University, Denmark),
Dean Kruckeberg (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)Media for the Russian language minorities: The role of the Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) in 1990-2012
Andres Jõesaar (Tallin University Baltic Film and Media School, Estonia),
Salme Rannu (University of Tartu),
Maria Jufereva (University of Jyväskylä)Remixing international news reporting: Towards a renewed confederacy of correspondences
Paulo Nuno Vicente
(UT Austin-Portugal Digital Media Programme)Multimedia development of PSBs: A challenge for the Nordic Media Systems
Johann Roppen (Volda University College, Norway),
Anker Brink Lund (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark),
Lars Nord (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)BOOK REVIEW: Eryk Mistewicz (2015). Twitter. Sukces komunikacji w 140 znakach (Twitter. The Success of the Communication in 140 Characters)...
Maciej Myśliwiec
(AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland)
BOOK REVIEW: Sławomir Wieczorek (2014). Na froncie muzyki. Socrealistyczny dyskurs o muzyce w Polsce w latach 1948–1955 (On the Musical Front. Socialist Realist Discourse on Music in Poland 1948–1955)...
Magdalena Parus
(AGH university of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland)Challenges and prospects of delivering a diversity of public service content online: A case study of Channel 4 News Online
Olatunji Ogunyemi
(University of Lincoln, United Kingdom)Introducing the panspectric challenge: A reconfiguration of regulatory values in a multiplatform media landscape
Jonas Andersson Schwarz (Södertörn University, Sweden),
Karl Palmås (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)BOOK REVIEW: Michał Kuś (2013) Telewizja publiczna w Hiszpanii. Pomiędzy polityką i rynkiem (Public television in Spain: Between politics and the market)...
Magdalena Parus
(AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Risk perception and political alienism: Political discourse on the future of nuclear energy in Hungary
Gábor Sarlós
(ELTE Budapest, Hungary)Volume 12 No 1 (22) Spring 2019
Press coverage of the German reunification issue in a long-term perspective 1990–2014
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann
UNIVERSITY OF KOBLENZ-LANDAU, GERMANYBOOK REVIEW: Edwin Bendyk (2012) Bunt Sieci (The Web Rebellion)...
Magdalena Parus
(AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland)
Volume 13 No 2 (26) Special Issue 2020
INTERVIEW: Media re-education and the need to be constantly updated
Interview with Grzegorz Ptaszek
interviewed by Maarit Jaakkola
AGH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN KRAKOW, POLAND DOI: 10.19195/1899-5101.13.2 (26).8Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Editors’ introduction
Traditional and Online Media: Relationship between Media Preference Credibility Perceptions Predispositions and European Identity
Waqas Ejaz
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ISLAMABAD, PAKISTANMETHODS & CONCEPTS: Agglomerations relationality and in-betweenness: Re-learning to research agency in digital communication
Ignas Kalpokas
& LCC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, KLAIPEDA, LITHUANIAChanges in Crisis Management PR and Digital PR Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dariusz Tworzydło
University of Warsaw, Poland Sławomir Gawroński
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland Mateusz Lach
Exacto sp. z o.o., Poland Kinga Bajorek
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, PolandBOOK REVIEW: Lulu Chen (2022). Influence Empire: Inside the Story of Tencent and China’s Tech Ambition. Hodder & Stoughton pp. 240 ISBN: 9781529346855
Dani Fadillah
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Zanuwar Hakim Atmantika
Universitas Ahmad DahlanVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Transforming Toxic Debates towards European Futures: Technological Disruption Societal Fragmentation and Enlightenment 2.0
Mehmet Ali Üzelgün
University Institute of Lisbon and Nova University Lisbon, Portugal Iliana Giannouli
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Ioanna Archontaki
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Klára Odstrčilová
Charles University, Czech Republic Barbara Thomass
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany Cláudia Álvares
University Institute of Lisbon, PortugalVolume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication Technologies: A Map of Four Anxiety and Two Hope Driven Scenarios
Nico Carpentier
Charles University, Czech Republic & Tallinn University, Estonia Andrea Miconi
IULM University, Italy
Volume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
Techno-pessimistic and techno-optimistic visions of surveillance and resistance in Europe
Vaia Doudaki
Charles University, Prague Panos Kompatsiaris
IULM University, Italy Jim Ingebretsen Carlson
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain Judith Clares-Gavilán
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain Dessislava Boshnakova
New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria