Results of searching entries for keyword: low context
Volume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
Narrating “Their War” and “Our War”. The Patriotic Journalism Paradigm in the Context of Swedish and Ukrainian Conflict Coverage
Nina Springer
University of Münster Gunnar Nygren
Södertörn University, Stockholm Andreas Widholm
Stockholm University Dariya Orlova
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Daria Taradai
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla AcademyVolume 13 No 2 (26) Special Issue 2020
Fact-checking initiatives as promoters of media and information literacy: The case of Poland
Michał Kuś
UNIVERSITY OF WROCLAW Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz
UNIVERSITY OF WROCLAWCommunicating with citizens? Representations of public opinion in Polish public discourse
Robert Szwed
(Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)Volume 10 No 1 (18) Spring 2017
Populism de-globalization and media competition: The spiral of noise
Henrik Müller
(Tu Dortmund University, Germany)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Famous women yearn for Putin and other unlikely tales: Glamorizing right-wing populist actors in the Bulgarian editions of Cosmopolitan and Elle
Miglena Sternadori
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, USAVolume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
INTERVIEW: Media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe
Interview with Professor Andrei Richter — Director of the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media on the state of media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe
Public service market? Commercial activities of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)
Johann Roppen
(Volda University College, Norway)Great expectations: On experiences with media reform in post-socialist Europe (and some unexpected outcomes)
Zrinjka Peruško
(University of Zagreb)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
The unlikely advocates of media literacy education: Jean-Jacques Rosseau and John Stuart Mill
Anamaria Neag
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary)News coverage of the first Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union (2011): Findings from an international comparative study
Romy Wohlert (Alpen-Andria-University Klagenfurt & Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria),
Stijn Joye (Ghent University, Belgium),
Agnieszka Stępińska (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland),
Daniel Biltereyst (Ghent University, Belgium),
Khael Velders (Ghent University, Belgium)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Media and Mass Communication Theory and Research: Positionality Integrative Research and Public Scholarship
Mark Deuze
University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsGlobal de-Westernization trend in media studies and Russian journalism theory
Sergey G. Korkonosenko
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Ability to spot and resist manipulated media news about international affairs: Does political knowledge provide it?
Vasyl V. Kucherenko (European University Institute in Florence, Italy),
Cindy T. Christen (Colorado State University, USA)Media pluralism policy in a post-socialist Mediterranean media system: The case of Croatia
Zrinjka Peruško
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)Models of political consulting in Poland 1989–2009 in a comparative perspective
Bartłomiej Biskup
(University of Warsaw, Poland)The agenda-setting process in international news
Wayne Wanta (Oklahoma State University, USA),
Simona Mikusova (Comenius University in Bratlislava, Slovakia)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Texts soaked with culture: The impact of cultural differences on the thematic structure of British and Polish national dailies
Anna Zięba
(Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)The role of European political parties in closing the communication gap within the European Union. A critical view
Michał Jacuński
(University of Wrocław, Poland)30-second politics 30 years too late: Political TV advertising in Swedish election campaigns 2006–2018
Marie Grusell
MID SWEDEN UNIVERSITY, SWEDENVolume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Three paradigms of journalistic objectivity in Slovenian press history
Igor Vobič
(University of Ljubljana)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Pro-active media accountability? — an Austrian perspective
Klaus Bichler (Medienhaus Wien, Austria),
Matthias Karmasin (University of Klagenfurt, Austria),
Daniela Kraus (FJUM Forum for Journalism and Media, Austria)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
‘Model Putin Forever’: A Critical Discourse Analysis on Vladimir Putin’s Portrayal in Czech Online News Media
Zina Stovickova
Metropolitan University Prague, Czech RepublicIs news liberated or enslaved? Consequences of news aggregation
Paweł Wieczorek
(University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland)Digital switchover in Hungary. European policies and national circumstances
Márk Lengyel
(Council of Europe)Reconsidering contemporary public relations: Theoretical engagement of practitioners in a communication society
Astrid Spatzier and Benno Signitzer
(University of Salzburg, Austria)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Other-projected environmental image: A conceptual framework
Li Ji
(Macquarie University, Australia)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Educating citizens to EU: How policies and communication strategies are implementing in Italy
Lucia D’Ambrosi
(University of Macerata, Italy)What is media assistance and (why) does it matter? The Case of Polish Foreign Aid to the Media in Belarus and Ukraine
Aleksandra Galus
ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POZNAŃ, POLANDDigital media practices in a conflict setting: Ukraine after the Maidan
Olena Nedozhogina
UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, ESTONIAVolume 12 No 1 (22) Spring 2019
Corporate social responsibility developments in post-communist countries: Towards organisations’ social legitimacy
Kaja Tampere
TALLINN UNIVERSITY, ESTONIAVolume 13 No 1 (25) Spring 2020
The Image of Germany in Social Media: Political and Social Aspects of Public Service Media in Poland
Agnieszka Węglińska
UNIVERSITY OF LOWER SILESIA , POLANDVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Climate Change in Chinese Newspapers 2000–2020: Discursive Strategies of Consolidating Hegemony
Mengrong Zhang
University of ColognePolarization in the Turkish Press: Framing the Social Movement in Iran
Ali Çağlar Karabiyik
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, TurkeyThe Populist Dimension of Mediated Discourses About Corruption in Romania
Delia Cristina Balaban
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Hanna Orsolya Vincze
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Mihnea S. Stoica
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Iulia Medveschi
Babes-Bolyai University, RomaniaVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
Media Capture and Perspectives for Media Development in a Fragile Media System: Debating Journalistic Roles in Guinea‑Bissau
Johanna Mack
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, GermanyVolume 17 No 3 (37) Spring 2024
METHODS & CONCEPTS: Fact-Checkers as a Professional Community of Experts. The Research Project – From Idea to Implementation
Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska
SWPS University, Warsaw, Poland