Results of searching entries for keyword: mass media
(Liberal) mass media and the (multi)party system in post-communist Lithuania
Irmina Matonytė
(European Humanities University in Vilnius, Lithuania)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Media and Mass Communication Theory and Research: Positionality Integrative Research and Public Scholarship
Mark Deuze
University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThe Mass Media’s Systemic Contribution to Political Transformation: Coverage of the 1956 Uprising in Hungarian Print Media (June 1988–June 1989)
Indira Dupuis
Free University Berlin, GermanMedia effects in a transitional society: Setting the political agenda in the Kosovo elections of 2007
Lindita Camaj
(Indiana University School of Journalism, USA)Propaganda against the West in the Heart of Europe. A masked official state campaign in Hungary
Márton Demeter
KAROLI GASPAR UNIVERSITY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH, HUNGARYA walk in the public relations field: Theoretical discussions from a social media and network society perspective
Kaja Tampere
(Tallinn University, Estonia)The influence of the Council of Europe and other European institutions on the media law system in post-Soviet states
Andrei Richter
(Moscow State University, Russia)Political discourse on Polish commercial television. Case of “Fakty” TVN
Dorota Piontek
(University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Poland)The tabloidization of political discourse: The Polish case
Dorota Piontek
(Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)Setting students’ professional agenda in the classroom
Raquel Rodríguez
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)Local media and the “political brand”: Candidates attributes portrayed on local media and their consequences on public perceptions
Rocío Zamora
(Catholic University of Murcia, Spain)Fox News and the polarization of attitudes in the U.S.
Wayne Wanta
(University of Missouri–Columbia, USA)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
Who defines the narrative of a crisis? The case of an Estonian online boycott campaign against an international supermarket chain
Päivi Tampere, Kaja Tampere, Scott Abel
(Tallin University, Estonia)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Media ethics in the development of journalism in Nigeria
Nkechi M. Christopher (University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
Okereke Onwuka (Abia State University, Nigeria)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Regional — national — supranational. How the German press covers election campaigns on different levels of the political system
Jürgen Wilke and Melanie Leidecker
(Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Turkey as a global media event: A “frame shift” in media coverages
Gulen Kurt Oncel and Ergen Devrim Karagoz
(Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey)The Romanian media market: Juridical and economic aspects
Andra Seceleanu
(Andrei Șaguna University, Romania)Mediatization of political life in conditions of electoral campaign – a retrospection of the elections in Romania
Andra Seceleanu
(Andrei Saguna University in Constanta, Romania)The role of European political parties in closing the communication gap within the European Union. A critical view
Michał Jacuński
(University of Wrocław, Poland)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
INTERVIEW: Polish media studies between past and future. The role of the Press Research Centre (OBP) in Cracow
Prof. Dr. Walery Pisarek was interviewed by Paulina Barczyszyn in November 2013
Selected aspects of political marketing in Slovakia
Antónia Štensová (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic),
Peter Štarchoň (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)Volume 6 No 1 (10) Spring 2013
Can the Church use media communication channels? Inherent features of media communication channels relative to religious messages in the media
Terézia Rončáková
(Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia)Assessing potentials of journalists’ blogs as an instrument of media accountability in Estonia
Halliki Harro-Loit,
Juhan Lang,
Marju Himma-Kadakas
(University of Tartu, Estonia)