Results of searching entries for keyword: post Soviet countries
The influence of the Council of Europe and other European institutions on the media law system in post-Soviet states
Andrei Richter
(Moscow State University, Russia)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
BOOK REVIEW: Elena Vartanova (2013). Постсоветские трансформации российских СМИ и журналистики [Post-Soviet Transformations of Russian Media and Journal- ism]...
Svetlana Bodrunova
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)Old and new constraints in foreign news coverage in post-communist Ukraine
Natalya Ryabinska
(Ukrainian Catholic Universiyty in Lviv, Ukraine)Volume 12 No 1 (22) Spring 2019
Corporate social responsibility developments in post-communist countries: Towards organisations’ social legitimacy
Kaja Tampere
TALLINN UNIVERSITY, ESTONIAMedia pluralism policy in a post-socialist Mediterranean media system: The case of Croatia
Zrinjka Peruško
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)“Original democracy”: A rhetorical analysis of Romanian post-revolutionary political discourse and the University Square protests of June 1990
Ioana Literat
(University of Southern California, USA)Great expectations: On experiences with media reform in post-socialist Europe (and some unexpected outcomes)
Zrinjka Peruško
(University of Zagreb)(Liberal) mass media and the (multi)party system in post-communist Lithuania
Irmina Matonytė
(European Humanities University in Vilnius, Lithuania)BOOK REVIEW: Marta Dyczok and Oxana Golutvina (eds.) (2009). Media Democracy and Reform: The Post-Communism Experience: (Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe 6)...
Anastasiia Grynko
(The National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in Kyiv, Ukraine)
Aleksandra Krstić
University of Belgrade, SerbiaBOOK REVIEW: Węglińska Agnieszka (2021) Public Television in Poland. Political Pressure and Public Service Media in a Post- communist Country pp. 135.
Maria Wąsicka-Sroczyńska
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, PolandVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
INTERVIEW: Media Capture in the Post-Truth Era: media freedom is a function of the quality of democracy. Interview with Professor Alina Mungui-Pippidi
Bissera Zankova
Media 21 Foundation, Bulgaria Alina Mungui-Pippidi
European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building (ERCAS); LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, ItalyVolume 17 No 2 (36) Special Issue 2024
Patronage Media in Post-Communist Mongolia
Undrah Baasanjav
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA Poul Eric Nielsen
University of Aarhus, Denmark Munkhmandakh Myagmar
Press Institute of Mongolia, MongoliaUkrainian journalists’ perceptions of unethical practices: Codes and everyday ethics
Anastasia Grynko
(National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Ukraine)Volume 15 No 2 (31) Spring 2022
Migration Coverage in Europe Russia and the United States. A comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 countries (2015-2018)
Marcus Kreutler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University
Susanne Fengler
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Nastaran Asadi
Complutense University of Madrid Svetlana Bodrunova
St. Petersburg State University Halyna Budivska
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Layire Diop
Francis Marion University, South Carolina Georgia Ertz
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano Daria Gigola
University of Wrocław Eszter Katus
Mérték Media Monitor, Budapest Denisa Kovacs
University of Bucharest Michał Kuś
University of Wrocław Filip Láb
Charles University Prague Anna Litvinenko
Freie Universität Berlin Johanna Mack
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Scott Maier
UO School of Journalism and Communication, Eugene Ana Pinto Martinho
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon Antonia Matei
University of Bucharest Kaitlin C. Miller
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA Lisa Oppermann
Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University Eva Pérez Vara
Complutense University of Madrid Gábor Polyák
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Rajeev Ravisankar
UO School of Journalism and Communication, Eugene Carlos Rodríguez Pérez
Universidad de La Sabana Dimitrina J. Semova
Complutense University of Madrid Dimitris Skleparis
Newcastle University Sergio Splendore
Università degli Studi di Milano Sandra Štefaniková
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague Adam Szynol
University of Wrocław Décio Telo
ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon Rrapo Zguri
University of TiranaPropaganda against the West in the Heart of Europe. A masked official state campaign in Hungary
Márton Demeter
Journalists PR professionals and the practice of paid news in Central and Eastern Europe: An overview
Henrik Örnebring
(Karlstad University, Sweden)Public Service Broadcasting in Latvia: Old images new user needs and market pressure
Inta Brikše
(University of Latvia in Riga, Latvia)Media pluralism by default: The case of Moldova
John H. Parmelee
(University of North Florida, USA)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Famous women yearn for Putin and other unlikely tales: Glamorizing right-wing populist actors in the Bulgarian editions of Cosmopolitan and Elle
Miglena Sternadori
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, USAPolish discourses concerning the Spanish Civil War. Analysis of the Polish press 1936–2015
Wojciech Opioła
(University of Opole, Poland)
“I went to resist. I’ll be back”: Otekilerin Postasi as an example of citizen journalism in Turkey
Dilek Özhan Koçak
(Giresum University, Turkey)Disaffected citizens in Croatia: Analysis of socio-demographic and media use influences on political participation
Dina Vozab
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
Media and the sacralization of history
Krzysztof Wasilewski
(Regional and Municipal Public Library in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland)Mission (im)possible. The case of Lithuanian Public Service Broadcasting
Žygintas Pečiulis
(Vilnius University, Lithuania)Volume 12 No 2 (23) Special Issue 2019
Media populism in Macedonia: Right-wing populist style in the coverage of the “migrant crisis”
Ivo Bosilkov
UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM , NETHERLANDSThe scope and limit for the development of corporate social responsibility in the Baltic States as a strategy of corporate communication
Kaja Tampere
(Tallinn University, Estonia)Digital media practices in a conflict setting: Ukraine after the Maidan
Olena Nedozhogina
UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, ESTONIAVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
"Not a Political Virus": Manufacturing Consent by Czech Public Service Media in the Pandemic
Jan Motal
Masaryk University, Czech RepublicVolume 17 No 3 (37) Spring 2024
Digital Hybrid and Traditional Media Consumption and Religious Reflection
Damian Guzek
Institute of Journalism and Media Communication, University of Silesia in Katowice Jan Słomka
Institute of Theology, University of Silesia in Katowice Emma Cieslik
George Washington University, Washington, the United States