Results of searching entries for keyword: global journalism
Volume 9 No 1 (16) Spring 2016
BOOK REVIEW: Silvio Waisbord (2013). Reinventing Professionalism. Journalism and News in a Global Perspective...
Gunnar Nygren
(Sodertorn University, Sweden)Global de-Westernization trend in media studies and Russian journalism theory
Sergey G. Korkonosenko
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)Volume 13 No 1 (25) Spring 2020
BOOK REVIEW: Michael Bromley & Vera Slavtcheva-Petkova (2019). Global Journalism: An Introduction. London: Red Globe Press pp. 282 ISBN: 978-1-137-6040403-3.
DOI: 10.19195/1899-5101.13.1 (25).9 Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz
UNIVERSITY OF WROCŁAWBOOK REVIEW: Daniela Dimitrova (ed.). Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers pp 258. ISBN: 1538146851.
Márton Demeter
National University of Public Service, Hungary Bence Varga
National University of Public Service, HungaryPublic relations and trust in contemporary global society: A Luhmannian perspective of the role of public relations in enhancing trust among social systems
Chiara Valentini (Aarhus University, Denmark),
Dean Kruckeberg (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)Volume 12 No 1 (22) Spring 2019
INTERVIEW: CEE media and communication research on the global map
Interview with Prof. Epp Lauk from University of Jyväskylä , Finland ORCID: 0000-0002-9697-2538 DOI: 10.19195/1899-5101.12.1 (22).7 Full text: CEE media and communication research on the global map (PDF / 125.16 kb)
Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Turkey as a global media event: A “frame shift” in media coverages
Gulen Kurt Oncel and Ergen Devrim Karagoz
(Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey)BOOK REVIEW: Eric Freedman Robyn S. Goodman & Elanie Steyn (eds.) (2018). Critical Perspectives on Journalists’ Beliefs and Actions. Global Experiences. London: Routledge pp. 248 ISBN: 1-351-66436-0 978-1-351-66436-3.
Fergal Quinn
UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, IRELANDThe global society and its impact on public relations theorizing: Reflections on major macro trends
Chiara Valentini (Aarhus University, Denmark),
Dean Kruckeberg (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA),
Kenneth Starck (University of Iowa, USA)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Orsolya Szabó Palócz
UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED, HUNGARYVolume 16 No 1 (33) Spring 2023
BOOK REVIEW: Susanne Fengler Tobias Eberwein Matthias Karmasin (eds) (2022). The Global Handbook of Media Accountability Oxon and New York: Routledge 614 pp. ISBN: 978-0-367-34628-7. DOI: 10.4324/9780429326943.
Dagmara Sidyk-Furman
University of Warsaw, PolandRemixing international news reporting: Towards a renewed confederacy of correspondences
Paulo Nuno Vicente
(UT Austin-Portugal Digital Media Programme)War or Peace Journalism? Study of Media Coverage by Russian Media Outlets of the Trade War Between China and the USA
Viktor Tuzov
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SARVolume 11 No 1 (20) Spring 2018
Surpassing the era of disengaged acceptance: The future of public discourse on nuclear energy
Gabor Sarlos
Rmit University, Vietnam
Mariann Fekete
University of Szeged, HungaryPublic relations and strategic management: Institutionalizing organization–public relationships in contemporary society
James E. Grunig
(University of Maryland, USA)Volume 8 No 1 (14) Spring 2015
Al Jazeera in the Central European media: 9/11 and the “Arab Spring” compared
Jaromir Hanzal (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic),
Ákos Balogh (Hungary),
Michalina Guzikowska (University of Warsaw, Poland),
Gabriela Mezeiova (Media Academy, Slovakia)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Media and Mass Communication Theory and Research: Positionality Integrative Research and Public Scholarship
Mark Deuze
University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsAn ideology of disconnection: For a critical political marketing
Heather Savigny (University of East Anglia, UK),
Dominic Wring (Loughborough University, UK)The Romanian media market: Juridical and economic aspects
Andra Seceleanu
(Andrei Șaguna University, Romania)What will be the future for Local Broadcasting in Norway?
Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza
(University of Opole, Poland; University of Oslo, Norway)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
‘Model Putin Forever’: A Critical Discourse Analysis on Vladimir Putin’s Portrayal in Czech Online News Media
Zina Stovickova
Metropolitan University Prague, Czech RepublicVolume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Other-projected environmental image: A conceptual framework
Li Ji
(Macquarie University, Australia)REVIEW STUDY: Thinking in the Network
Slavomír Gálik
EVENT: Breaking Down the Walls? Old and New Barriers to Social Cohesion in Arts Culture and Media Warsaw Poland May 11 2023
Tanya Sakzewski
Media Diversity Institute Global