Can a “Lone wolf” quasi-investigative journalist substitute low functionality of the law enforcement system?
Andrej Školkay
(School of Communication and Media, Bratislava, Slovakia)
ABSTRACT: The present article analyzes a relatively unusual case, in which a quasi-investigative journalist, working in an entirely independent capacity, succeeded in uncovering and foiling an international money laundering attempt. This extremely signifi cant story reveals the existence of a complex legal framework for tackling money laundering operations in the EU. In this particular instance, local police and prosecutors were unable to take action against the perpetrator of illegal activity, as the case did not fulfi ll conditions of local legislation. The present study thus draws attention to the weakness of anti-corruption and anti-money laundering legislation. It provides evidence that a non-affi liated journalist can also be a great asset to society, although the actual mostly low coverage of the case indicates a poor media understanding of the social implications of crime detection across both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
DOI: 10.19195/1899-5101.9.2(17).4
KEYWORDS: money laundering, undercover investigative journalism, anti-money laundering (AML), Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hong Kong.
FULL TEXT: Can-a-Lone-wolf-quasi-investigative-journalist (PDF / 191.70 kb)