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Central European Journal of Communication

Central European Journal of Communication

Scientific Journal of the Polish Communication Association

You are here: Home > Browse Journal > Volume 17 No 3 (37) Spring 2024 > Less is more. Study on slow journalism outlets’ authors

Less is more. Study on slow journalism outlets’ authors

Virgo Siil
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

ABSTRACT: The concept of slow journalism has evolved from the dissatifaction with speed-driven journalism.  Discussion about this form of journalism has revolved around what it is or should be, what its goals might be, what principles it should follow, and how. Although authors play an essential role in achieving its goals, there is a lack of empirical research about their motivation and practices. I interviewed 22 authors and conducted four observations in two slow journalism outlets in Estonia. The results show that the authors are motivated by contributing to society, their autonomy, and self-fulfillment, which they were often not afforded in other outlets. However, some journalists had difficulties switching from one set of principles and values to other and experienced problems with time management, storytelling, and self-motivation. Non-journalists may bring some advantages in following slow journalism principles and working with sources.

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DOI: 10.51480/1899-5101.17.3(37).640

KEYWORDS: slow journalism, alternative journalism, journalism practice, storytelling, time pressure