Captured by Elites: The Portuguese Media System in Liberalism (1820–1926)
Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca
Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal
ABSTRACT: This article argues that the concept of ‘captured media’ is invaluable to a deeper understanding of the roles performed by media systems throughout European liberalism and early democratization of nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This case-study explores the structures of the media system during Portuguese Liberalism (1820–1926) in the scope of the Portuguese empire. The concept of the ‘Imperial Public Sphere’ is applied to show how imperial and colonial elites captured the media system to exercise and spread its political and ideological power. As a methodological approach to analyze the roles performed by press, the case-study relies on the model developed by Hallin and Mancini (2004), which is applied to three empirical cases. The use of the concept ‘captured media’ in the field of media history is a contribution to understanding the political roots of the press during colonialism and its legacy to contemporary media systems in Lusophone countries.
Full text:
DOI: 10.51480/1899-5101.17.2(36).571
KEYWORDS: Imperial Public Sphere, Portuguese media system, liberalism, captured media
- Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca
ORCID: 0000-0001-9019-9794
Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal