Results of searching entries for keyword: third sector of broadcasting
Mission (im)possible. The case of Lithuanian Public Service Broadcasting
Žygintas Pečiulis
(Vilnius University, Lithuania)Past present and future of Public Service Broadcasting in Germany
Olexiy Khabyuk
(University of Cologne, Germany)Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Time for community media in Central and Eastern Europe
Urszula Doliwa (University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland),
Larisa Rankovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)Public service market? Commercial activities of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)
Johann Roppen
(Volda University College, Norway)Danish Public Service Broadcasting in transition: From monopoly to a digital media environment – a shift in paradigms
Poul Erik Nielsen
(University of a Aarhus, Denmark)Media for the Russian language minorities: The role of the Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) in 1990-2012
Andres Jõesaar (Tallin University Baltic Film and Media School, Estonia),
Salme Rannu (University of Tartu),
Maria Jufereva (University of Jyväskylä)Agency awakening and the audiovisual: Developments in late-Soviet Latvian Broadcasting
Sergei Kruk (Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia),
Janis Chakars (University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA)What will be the future for Local Broadcasting in Norway?
Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza
(University of Opole, Poland; University of Oslo, Norway)Public Service Broadcasting in Latvia: Old images new user needs and market pressure
Inta Brikše
(University of Latvia in Riga, Latvia)Formation of Estonian broadcasting landscape 1994–2007: Experience of the transition state. Impact of the EU legislation on the Estonian television broadcasting since mid 1990s.
Andres Jõesaar
(Tartu University, Estonia)Public frames for Public Service Broadcasting in Sweden
Christina Jutterström
(Former Director General of Sveriges Television (SVT), Sweden)Volume 14 No 1 (28) Spring 2021
Exploring Citizens’ Perceptions-based Intangible Resources in the Public Sector: An Analysis of the Relation Between Wealth and Engagement and Trust in 17 Countries
Paloma Piqueiras
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain María José Canel
Complutense University of Madrid, SpainThe influence of the Council of Europe and other European institutions on the media law system in post-Soviet states
Andrei Richter
(Moscow State University, Russia)Russian TV market: Between state supervision commercial logic and simulacrum of public service
Ilya Kiriya (State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia),
Elena Degtereva (Moscow State University, Russia)Volume 10 No 1 (18) Spring 2017
The utilization of journalistic sources in the national press: Communicating the transition from economic crisis to sustainable growth
Theodora Maniou,
Irene Photiou,
Nikleia Eteokleous,
Ioannis Seitanidis
(Frederick University of Cyprus & Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus)Radio ombudsman services of Brazilian Public Radio (EBC) as media accountability instruments
Laurindo Leal Filho,
Fernando Oliveira Paulino,
Luiz Martins da Silva
(University of Brasilia, Brazil)The role of PR in healthcare and social insurance reform in Poland and the United States
Michael Szporer (University of Maryland, USA),
Jacek Barlik (Woodstock Leasor Warszawa, Poland)Multimedia development of PSBs: A challenge for the Nordic Media Systems
Johann Roppen (Volda University College, Norway),
Anker Brink Lund (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark),
Lars Nord (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)Old and new constraints in foreign news coverage in post-communist Ukraine
Natalya Ryabinska
(Ukrainian Catholic Universiyty in Lviv, Ukraine)Mapping the Moldovan media system and journalism culture
Natalia Milewski
(University of Bucharest, Romania)Introducing the panspectric challenge: A reconfiguration of regulatory values in a multiplatform media landscape
Jonas Andersson Schwarz (Södertörn University, Sweden),
Karl Palmås (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)On the way to dumbing down… The case of Central Europe
Angelika W. Wyka
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany)Duality of Estonian Public Service Media in reflection of the world and in positioning society
Maarja Lõhmus, Helle Tiikmaa and Andres Jõesaar
(University of Tartu, Estonia)EU regulatory framework and the political economy of terrestrial digitalisation in Slovakia
Branislav Ondrášik
(Bratislava School of Law, Slovakia)Digital switchover in Hungary. European policies and national circumstances
Márk Lengyel
(Council of Europe)The scope and limit for the development of corporate social responsibility in the Baltic States as a strategy of corporate communication
Kaja Tampere
(Tallinn University, Estonia)Bulgarian media policy and law: How much Europeanization
Nelly Ognyanova
(Sofia University, Bulgaria)Of Polish politicians and (their) media. The pursuit of regulatory agency independence in Polish media law and practice
Marcin Ożóg
(The European Centre For Comparative Commercial and Company Law)The impact of democratic conditionality on policy-making in Turkey: Minority rights and the politics of broadcast regulation
Burcu Sümer
(Ankara University, Turkey)Volume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Politicizing Poland’s Public Service Media: The Analysis of Wiadomości News Program
Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab
University of Warsaw, Poland Łukasz Szurmiński
University of Warsaw, Poland
The Legislation for Video‑Sharing Platforms on the European Audiovisual Market. The Polish Transposition of Audio‑Visual Media Services Directive
Agnieszka Grzesiok-Horosz
University of Silesia, Poland