Results of searching entries for keyword: community
Volume 7 No 1 (12) Spring 2014
Time for community media in Central and Eastern Europe
Urszula Doliwa (University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland),
Larisa Rankovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)Seeking the H Zone: How we mix media messages to create compatible community in the emerging papyrus society
Donald Shaw (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA),
Sherine El-Toukhy (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA),
Tom Terry (Idaho State University, USA)Volume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Homeless People as Agents of Self-representation: Exploring the Potential of Enhanced Participation in a Community Newspaper Project
Vojtěch Dvořák
Masaryk UniversityVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Design and Development of Mediated Participation for Environmental Governance Transformation: Experiences with Community Art and Visual Problem Appraisal
Loes Witteveen
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands Pleun van Arensbergen
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Jan Fliervoet
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Volume 17 No 3 (37) Spring 2024
METHODS & CONCEPTS: Fact-Checkers as a Professional Community of Experts. The Research Project – From Idea to Implementation
Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska
SWPS University, Warsaw, PolandICT and local governance — e-government in the local public sphere in Poland and Norway
Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza
(University of Opole, Poland)Global de-Westernization trend in media studies and Russian journalism theory
Sergey G. Korkonosenko
(St. Petersburg State University, Russia)Press concentration convergence and innovation: Europe in search of a new communications policy
Lou Lichtenberg
(The Netherlands Press Fund in The Hague, The Netherlands)What will be the future for Local Broadcasting in Norway?
Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza
(University of Opole, Poland; University of Oslo, Norway)The global society and its impact on public relations theorizing: Reflections on major macro trends
Chiara Valentini (Aarhus University, Denmark),
Dean Kruckeberg (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA),
Kenneth Starck (University of Iowa, USA)Bulgarian media policy and law: How much Europeanization
Nelly Ognyanova
(Sofia University, Bulgaria)Volume 13 No 1 (25) Spring 2020
Between Dialogue and Confrontation: Two Countries — One Profession Project and the Split in Ukrainian Journalism Culture
Liudmila Voronova
SÖDERTÖRN UNIVERSITY, SWEDENNuclear media discourses after the closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant: Is the game over?
Natalija Mažeikienė
Cultural Citizenship Popular Culture and Gender: Examining Audience Understandings of The Handmaid’s Tale in Hungary
Agnes Strickland-Pajtok
Eszterházy Károly University, HungarySocial Media News: A Comparative Analysis of the Journalistic Uses of Twitter
Rosella Rega
University of Siena, ItalyVolume 15 No 1 (30) Special Issue 2022
Revolutionary Music in Lebanon and Egypt: Alternative Imaginaries for Self-representation and Participation
Sahar Bou Hamdan
Northwestern University in Qatar, Qatar Bouthaina El-Kheshn
Georgetown University in Qatar, Qatar
Volume 17 No 1 (35) Special Issue 2024
The Future of Gender and Gender Equality Online: A Scenario Analysis of Imaginaries on Gender and Social Media Platforms
Babette Lagrange
CIMS – Ghent University, Belgium Sofie Van Bauwel
CIMS – Ghent University, Belgium Daniel Biltereyst
CIMS – Ghent University, Belgium Sara Cannizzaro
IULM University, Italy Justine Toms
New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria Yasemin Ağca
Bilkent University, Türkiye Ingrid Andersson
International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development, Sweden Emma Bjorner
International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development, Sweden Achilleas Karadimitriou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Klára Odstrčilová
Charles University, Czech Republic Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Elisabetta Risi
IULM University, Italy Valentina Latronico
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Italy